We know how important it is to get it right from the get-go, and our commitment to your program is 100%. We do whatever it takes to ensure the best learning experience in your cultural training. We value you and your relationship which is why our goal is to create a setting where you will thrive. And if you ever have a problem, we want to fix it fast. When you talk, we listen. When you need us, we’re here.
We can’t wait to get your program exactly right. But if for some reason it’s not perfect from day one, tell us! We do our best to anticipate problems and solve them before they happen, and with twenty plus years of experience, we have the know-how to do it.
Our commitment is so complete that every serious complaint is handled by our CEO. The issue is investigated, resolved, and a process is created to prevent the same issue from rising again. That’s how important YOUR satisfaction is to us.
How exactly do we manage participant feedback? After each session of your program, your instructor will provide you specific feedback to that day’s lesson. You’ll get a verbal and/or written summary of the areas you need to work on to make progress as well as items you need to practice to continue growing in your cultural competence.
We require all instructors to use this process not only to ensure you have the specific feedback you need for language learning but also to build your relationship with your instructor. As you get to know your instructor better, you’ll find your confidence in using the knowledge you’re gaining will increase and your pace of learning too!