Partners in Learning

We make sure you learn by making sure you’re engaged.

We make sure you learn by making sure you’re engaged.

Relevant Learning

We begin by understanding the applications and goals for your training. Then we build the curriculum around those specific needs, making sure we include mission-critical learning of unspoken customs, etiquette, social and gender roles, colloquial speech, body language and even cuisine.

Tailored Learning

Once we have the relevant cultural curriculum set, we then craft the teaching to the student. This takes into account learning style, ability to absorb the content, retention, and availability. Knowing how you learn informs not only the course, but the appropriate person to teach it.

Interactive Learning

Our vast experience has taught us one thing: we can always improve. That’s why we use our own Inquiry Based Method of teaching. Simply put, we solicit feedback throughout the training so we can tweak the curriculum or teaching style if necessary. This give and take ensures the training is optimal from start to finish.

Case Studies

We’ve done some amazing work for some amazing clients.

All our experience and knowledge has to go somewhere. Listen to Martin’s Mind™

Martin George is more than the Founder of LTC. He’s a teacher with a Doctorate in Linguistics, who’s lived abroad, speaks at conferences, and is able to hold his own in a conversation on just about any subject. Ready to listen to The 2nd Most interesting Man in the World? Enter Martin’s Mind.
